>>>>What is worth dying for, that is worth living for.

What is worth dying for, that is worth living for.

On my journey, I discovered that what I felt was worth dying for was worth living for.  Each person has a question that drives them, a burning desire within.  The answer is how you live your life.  My question for as long as I have been conscious is, “What IS.”  What lasts forever?


That is all that I have ever sought.  People offer many answers to the child who asks this question.  Most sorely lack in logic, or proof.  Even worse, most people who try to answer do not even live the answer that they give.  Yet find an answer you must.  I found mine within, as you will find yours.


What lasts for me is the moment, a moment of sincerity, a moment of rage, a moment of compassion.  When I connect with someone clearly and deeply, I know that I have found that forever.  Once you answer your question, your life shows how you did it.  It is the living proof of all that you know, want, desire or dream of.


Find your question, live the answer.

By | 2007-04-16T05:51:24+00:00 April 16th, 2007|Perspectives|0 Comments

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