>>The Incredible Shrinking Man
The Incredible Shrinking Man 2017-01-08T09:12:13+00:00

Updated challenge from 2014-2016

Sixteen years ago I did the Body for Life Challenge (BFL).  My former wife and I began the 12-week Challenge January 6, 2000.  Although I was ready a week or two earlier, it seemed more propitious to begin at the turn of the Millennium.

So I tipped the scales at a hefty 202 lbs. with 22% Bodyfat on the Tanita scale.  Twelve weeks later only one of us finished at 184.5 lbs. and 12.5% Bodyfat.  This represented a loss of approximately 24 lbs. of fat and a 7 lb. gain of muscle.

Enjoy some of these photos and watch the video to get an understanding of what it takes to change your life for the better.


Before Pictures:

March 3, 2013 at approximately 212.5 lbs.  (Actually bigger than in 2000!)


March 3, 2013 at approximately 212.5 lbs. (Actually bigger than in 2000!)

March 25, 2016 at about 187.5 lbs.


March 25, 2016 at about 187.5 lbs.